We hosted a Beech Nut Naturals baby foodie party

It’s time for holidays and one of our favorites is peeking through the window. That would be Thanksgiving of course !

It’s the holiday where I get to cook all of my favorite meals for the family; from the elders down to the babies.

I learned about Beech-Nut Naturals line of baby food purees inspired by homemade just in time. The line of jar purees was created with input from moms and dads to share how Beech Nut ® Naturals ™ ‘s company from Upstate New York message is real food for babies™!

I wanted to host some of my favorite moms and babies to a casual get together in order to share how feeding your family the best possible food can be introduced at an early stage, as well as using the delicious ingredients made with real fruits and vegetables that we would use at home to create deliciousness for us adults as well.

As a #Beechnutpartner #realfoodforbabies #mommies parties host; I created this delicious purée dip that included real strawberries, fresh blueberries and whipped cream cheese, served with crackers for the moms while the babies feasted on their favorite Beech Nut Naturals fruits and vegetables.

The cutest honey pot jar with the rich green top can be found in your local grocery store for the babies to enjoy, just like these Little’s.

Let’s celebrate MommyHood

I recently attended an event hosted by Beech nut foods and huffington post parents.  The subject that the panelists were speaking about was mom shaming.  When I received the email invitation I knew that O had to attend.  This is such an interesting subject.  It always baffles me how someone could judge or shame someone for doing their job when it is geting done overall… correct…. feeding, cleaning, caring for = happy child any way you put it… well then there’s countless hours of entertaining but someone has to be the unpaid clown. Any how http://www.jennyonthespot.com / http://www.rattlesandheels.com/ and http://www.projectmotherhood did a wonderful job with sharing their personal stories along with answering other moms interesting questions. Dr Michelle Borba was on had to add her professional advice. – I took advantage of her knowledge and asked her opinion on The board of education or schools position on making it mandatory for Twins to be separated in school. Her professional response included facts on research based instances where 3rd grade usually marks the change in twins needing to be separated but she did continue with it should be the parents decision overall!!! I loved her response!

— Beech nut foods http://www.beechnutfoods.com/ have shared some of their new baby products and foods for Bash to try. He has loved the boxed packing so far ( hope its organic) 😉 He truly enjoyed the ready to go oatmeal packages which are so easy for him to squeeze and manage. It made our Mother’s Day outing a lot easier. He snacked during lunch while I enjoyed my food on my new fancy placemats made by V & K! Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day 💐

It wouldn’t be a special Mother’s Day without homemade chocolate chip cookies made by these Dolls!